We would like to help with any guitar or music related questions, queries, concerns or curiosities. Look through ‘Problem Solve’ for more general FAQs or browse ‘Ask Selina’ for answers to questions others have asked.
Email your musical question to Selina, including, where appropriate the edition, you are working from. If possible send a photocopy by post or email, this will help speed up the reply should Selina not immediately have her own copy of the edition you are working from. All advice is freely given and will be researched to the best of our ability.
If there is anything you do not agree with feel free to disregard all or part of any reply.
Problem Solve
Here we try to give answers to questions asked. If you have a question that is not covered please e-mail and we will include the answer so that others may benefit.
Ask Selina
For all those little musical problems that have caused you pain, anguish or just complete and utter frustration. Ask and Selina will help solve the problem enabling you to enjoy your music once again.
Our links page contains a variety of information to other classical guitar sites that you may find interesting. Should you know of other sites which you think may be of interest to others please let us know and we will add them here.